The Croods 《疯狂原始人》
1. These shoes are great! 这双鞋真是太棒了!
2. What‟s that on your head? 你头上戴的是什么东西?
3. Nothing is fun. 一点也不好玩。
4. Where do you get these ideas? 你怎么想到这个点子的?
5. Okay,now you can look. 好了,你可以看了。
6. No, no, it's fire. 不,这是火
7. It's still early. 现在还很早。
8. Yay...breakfast... 好哎,早餐。
9. Get them, Mom! 抓住它们,妈妈!
10. What were you looking for? 你在找什么?
Bay Max 《超能陆战队》
1. Can I try? 我能试试吗?
2. Who is next? 下一个是谁?
3. I have a robot. 我有一个机器人。
4. What's your name,little boy? 小孩,你叫什么名字?
5. Is this enough? 这些够吗?
6. I love you too. 我也爱你。
7. Who are you? 你是谁?
8. This is my brother. 这是我的弟弟。
9. It's really great! 这真棒!
10. I'll show you. 我要展示给你看。
The penguins of Madagascar 《马达加斯加的企鹅》
1. Hey, man, thanks. 嘿伙计,谢谢你了。
2. I don't see anything. 我什么也没看见。
3. It's on the left. 它在左边。
4. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!
5. What day is it? 今天星期几?
6. Come on! 快点儿!
7. It's showtime! 表演时间到!
8. What are you doing? 你们在做什么?
9. Come here! 到这儿来!
10. That sounds great! 那听起来不错!
Despicable Me2 《卑鄙的我2》
1. I’ve got it. 我拿到它了。
2. well, thank you! 好的,谢谢你!
3. I don’t care. 我不在乎。
4. Come to papa. 到爸爸这来。
5. Please have a seat. 请坐
6. Excuse me? 打扰一下!
7. Stop him! 快阻止他!
8. How is the family? 家人们过得怎样?
9. Hello, everybody! 大家好!
10. There he is. 他在那里。
I Hop 《复活节兔子》
1. but you'll be ready. 不过你会准备好的
2. I really need this job. 我真的需要这份工作。
3. This is my one big chance. 这是我难得的好机会
4. I'll do anything. 我愿意做任何事
5. We don't eat the candy. 我不吃糖。
6. We make the candy! 我们生产糖。
7. I was going to do something great. 我长大一定会成就一番大事
8. Now I'm telling you. 现在我告诉你
9. We can't make any mistakes. 我不能犯任何错误。
10. Don't cry! 不要哭!
Ice Age 《冰河世纪》
1. This is too hot. 这太热了
2. Don't make me eat you! 别逼我吃了你!
3. I can see that. 我能看到它.
4. Good job! 干得好!
5. Why doesn't he stay with the rabbit? 为什么他不和兔子一起生活?
6. One big happy family! 一个幸福的大家庭!
7. Then where is your big, happy family? 那么,你的幸福家庭在哪里呢?
8. Sure, why not?! 当然,为什么不呢?
9. It will still be ice! 它将还是冰!
10. What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢?