1. 五天以前 five days ago
2. 魔术笔 The magic pen
3. 聪明的男孩 a clever boy
4. 仔细想 think carefully
5. 指向他 point to his
6. 晴朗的一天 a sunny day
7. 一本有趣的书 a interesting book
8. 变成有风的 become windy
9. 骑自行车去公园 go to the park by bike
10. a parrot show 一场鹦鹉秀
11. bring some honey 带来一些蜂蜜
12. walk through the street 穿过街道
13. Fly away 飞走
14. climb up the hill 爬上山
15. Pick a flower 摘一朵花 |